Utica College Championed as College of Distinction

National College Resource Recognizes UC for Individualized, Engaging Education
Utica College has received national recognition as one of the renowned Colleges of Distinction for its individualized and engaging education and goals of student success and satisfaction.
This award is unique among popular college guide classifications, as typically schools are ranked on the basis of selectivity, faculty salaries and more. Colleges of Distinction instead recognizes colleges for the excellence exhibited in the classroom, incorporating high-impact practices throughout every student’s undergraduate education. College of Distinction looks for student-centered programs such as first year seminars, alternative Spring Breaks, diversity and global learning programs, intensive writing courses, undergraduate research, study abroad programs and internships, all of which are offered at Utica College.
A hallmark of the UC experience is individual and personalized attention, as each student is assigned a care team that is responsible for their success at the college. This team includes a faculty advisor, success coach, financial aid counselor, student accounts specialist and career coach.
Utica College enrolls more than 3,500 undergraduate students in 42 majors, including nursing, cybersecurity and information assurance, health studies, criminal justice, and construction management. The college also enrolls nearly 1,500 graduate students in 20 graduate programs, including cybersecurity intelligence and forensics, health care administration, physical therapy, and management. Students enjoy 26 varsity and 16 intramural sports teams and over 100 clubs and organizations.
UC is also home to the Todd and Jen Hutton Sports and Recreation Center, one of the largest sports domes in North America. It housesan eight lane, 200-meter NCAA competition indoor track, four multi-sport courts, a multi-sport artificial turf practice field, a weight area and more. The college recently opened Thurston Hall, an academic building with specialized labs for construction management students, complete with workspace for construction projects, instructional support technology, computer laboratories configured with CM-specific software, a multi-use auditorium, a smart classroom and more. This fall, the college will open its newest housing facility, Pioneer Village, a townhouse-style complex that will house 144 students.
College of Distinction’s selection process consisted of detailed interviews and research for each institution’s freshman experience and retention efforts, alongside its general education programs, career development, strategic plan, student satisfaction and more. Schools are accepted on the basis that they adhere to four distinctions: engaged students, great teaching, vibrant community, and successful outcomes.