Office of Academic Affairs

DATE: Friday, May 9, 2025
TIME: 10 a.m.
LOCATION: The Adirondack Bank Center at the Utica Memorial Auditorium, 400 Oriskany Street West, Utica NY 13502
To register and order regalia, students must complete the Commencement Participation Form no later than March 15th.
Students completing one of the following degrees are eligible to participate in the Graduate Commencement Ceremony:
Graduate Application for Degree Graduate RSVP/Regalia Order Form
As the milestone of commencement approaches, there may always seem like one more thing to do. Utica University's Commencement Committee strives to make the process as easy as possible with a checklist for preparation, rehearsal to better understand the logistics of the ceremony, and numerous activities all week long to celebrate your achievement.
Graduating students are welcome to print the following announcement to Utica University's 2025 Graduate Commencement ceremony to share with family, friends, and loved ones.
Please note that all guests must have a ticket for entry into the Adirondack Bank Center to attend Utica University's Commencement ceremonies. Ticket information can be found in a separate tab on the Commencement website.
Students graduating with their Master's or Doctoral degree have special academic regalia for commencement, different from each other and from their undergraduate regalia. All three robes are different, so it's important to know which degree you are receiving. For both Master's and Doctoral degree regalia, a hood is an additional component with colors that represent the graduate's academic program and college/university, which goes around the neck and drapes down the back. The hoods vary slightly in size depending of the level of degree. Because hoods are a key component of the graduate academic regalia, stoles will not be allowed (stoles only can be worn with undergraduate regalia). Doctoral graduates wear a tam (soft-sided hat) instead of the traditional mortarboard cap.
Your academic regalia (cap, gown, and hood) must be ordered and purchased from the Utica Bookstore. The regalia order form is part of the Commencement RSVP. Ordering your regalia is a three-step process: (1) reserving your regalia based on size and academic program by March 15th, (2) arranging payment with the Utica Bookstore, and (3) arranging pickup or shipping of your regalia with the Utica Bookstore. You will be asked to take a brief survey before being connected to the regalia order form. Orders MUST be placed by the March 15th, 2025 deadline to ensure receipt in time for participation in commencement!
How to wear your regalia:
On the day of the ceremony graduates should wear their gown and cap (the tassel should hang on your left side), the hood should be kept readily accessible, but not worn. Please make sure that the cord on the back of the hood is un-buttoned to make it easier for to place over your head.
Master's Degree Regalia
Doctoral Degree Regalia
The Regalia Order form has been combined with the Attendance Notification - RSVP form to streamline the process.
Have you:
Received your regalia package.
Submitted the Graduate-to-Be Survey?
For questions about accommodations for guests with special needs, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at or at (315) 792-3122.
Please note that two sign language interpreters will be at both the undergraduate and graduate Commencement ceremonies. Interpreters will be located near the stage, as well as projected on the jumbo screens. Additionally, the Adirondack Bank Center has designated seating for those in wheelchairs, which is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Commencement Week Activities
The full list of Commencement Week activities and celebrations will be announced soon. Please check back.
The Graduate Commencement Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 9, 2025 at 10 a.m. EST.
Yes, students wishing to participate in the Graduate Commencement Ceremony MUST notify Utica University of this intention by submitting the RSVP – Attendance Notification form by the March 15th deadline. Due to mail and shipping delays, missing this deadline may result in not receiving your regalia by the ceremony date.
To get your password go to, the same website you use to activate and reset passwords for your email, ENGAGE, and network accounts. Enter your student ID number, last four digits of your social security number, and date of birth. Remember to include all four numbers in the year of your birth. Click "Activate/Reset Account."
Students and guests should expect the ceremony to last approximately 2 hours.
Your academic regalia (cap, gown, and hood) must be ordered and purchased from the Utica Bookstore either via the link on the Caps, Gowns, and Hoods webpage. Ordering your regalia is a three-step process: (1) reserving your regalia based on size and academic program by March 15th, (2) arranging payment with the Utica Bookstore, and (3) arranging pickup or shipping of your regalia with the Utica Bookstore. Orders MUST be placed by the March 15th deadline to ensure receipt in time for participation in commencement.
Prior to the start of the ceremony you should be wearing your gown and cap (the tassel should hang on your left side), the hood should be draped over your left arm, and hold your name card n your right hand. Please make sure that the cord on the back of the hood is unbuttoned to make it easier to place over your head.
No, the logistics do not allow for such a request. Hoods will be placed around graduate students' necks by their Program Chair/Director and their Academic Dean.
No. At the graduate level students do not graduate with honors (e.g., Dean's List, President's List, Cum Laude, Valedictorian). Such honors are only recognized at the undergraduate level. Successfully completing an advanced degree at the graduate level is a significant accomplishment in and of itself due to higher academic standards (including the requirement to have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to graduate), and this separate Graduate Commencement Ceremony is a special recognition of that achievement.
Yes. The graduate fee is used to help cover administrative costs of you graduating from Utica University (receiving your diploma), which is separate from participating in the commencement ceremony - graduation and commencement are two separate events.
"Graduation" is an academic process that involves the official conferral of your Bachelor's degree. It involves a careful review of your academic record and approval by the University. This happens every May, August, and December.
"Commencement" is the annual ceremony where we celebrate our achievements and recognize our degree candidates. This happens once each year, in May.
If you have additional questions, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at or at (315) 792.3344.
Information to help you the day of commencement.
Our Keynote Speaker will be announced soon. Please check back.
Tickets are required for all guests to attend Utica University's Graduate Commencement ceremony. Degree candidates will receive six tickets in their student regalia package. Please note that tickets are general admission and that there is no reserved or assigned seating.
Graduating students do not require a ticket, nor do infants or small children under the age of two who can sit comfortably on a adult's lap.
Based on the number of students that are currently planning to attend the Graduate Commencement ceremony, we anticipate having a limited number of additional guest tickets available. Additional tickets will be made available on a first come, first serve basis beginning at a DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED to graduating students who have completed their RSVP to participate in Commencement. Students will be limited to no more than three additional tickets. Graduate students can pick-up additional tickets in the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement (206 Strebel Student Center). Off-campus Graduate students may email the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement at to request additional tickets.
Student not using their tickets are encouraged to share them with other graduating students or turn them in to the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement (SLCE) so they can be distributed to other students. Please note that lost tickets cannot be replaced.
There are several parking lots near and around the Adirondack Bank Center, with some being paid lots. Street parking is also available. Limited shuttle bus transportation is available to and from the Adirondack Bank Center from the Utica University campus.
Shuttle bus service will begin approximately 90 minutes prior to each Commencement ceremony from Strebel Circle. There is no charge for the shuttle bus. Guests, as well as graduating students, should plan to arrive at the Adirondack Bank Center at least 30 minutes prior to the ceremony start time to allow sufficient time to go through security.
There's plenty to see and do while in the surrounding area, and to help you along the way, Utica University has compiled a list of hotels, motels, inns, and restaurants to help you during your stay.
Utica University brings commencement to you through live streaming and video archives of past ceremonies that allow you to stay in the comfort of your own home and enjoy the ceremony.
On Friday, May 9, prior to 10 a.m., the video window box for Utica University's graduate Commencement livestream will be posted to the Commencement landing page.
Those wishing to view the livestream will simply need to click the video window box.
2024 Undergraduate Commencement
2023 Undergraduate Commencement
2022 Undergraduate Commencement
2021 Virtual Graduate Commencement Slideshow
2019 Undergraduate Commencement
2018 Undergraduate Commencement
2017 Undergraduate Commencement
2016 Undergraduate Commencement
2015 Undergraduate Commencement
For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.