Copy Center
What We Do
The copy center provides the campus community with a complete selection of black & white and color duplicating services.
The copy center provides the campus community with a complete selection of black & white and color duplicating services, including:
Standard Copies | Brochures | Pads |
Programs | Booklets | Spiral Binding |
Scanning | Three Hole punching | Two, Three, and Four part forms |
Tabbing | Folding | Laminating |
Labels | Academic Planners | Desk Calendars |
Mail Slips | Large Format Posters | Banners |
Choose from a broad variety of colors and types of papers.
How to submit a job for processing
Print jobs may be submitted directly to the copy center via our Digital Storefront. Orders placed through Digital Storefront will be given priority. Digital Storefront is a secure website to upload your copy job, select all aspects such as color, b&w, double sided, binding, hole punching etc. This will also price the job for you before you check out online so you will know exactly how much the job will cost.
To request a log-in for Digital Storefront, please email larabide@utica.edu
To submit a job to the copy center through Digital Storefront please click here.
Copy Jobs can also be submitted by sending to ccenter@utica.edu. Please note that this will not give you pricing upfront.
Large orders
If you need a large quantity please call Lisa to request a quote.
Walk-up copiers
Self service copy machines are available in the following campus facilities:
- Rocco F. DePerno Hall
- F. Eugene Romano Hall
To ensure campus copiers are utilized efficiently and securely, these machines are passcode and/or copy code protected. The walk up copiers are there for your convenience to make up to 50 single copies. Please submit all other jobs through Digital Storefront or ccenter@utica.edu.
Digital Storefront allows users to send all of their print jobs electronically as well as being automatically priced at the time of submission.
This system will also allow the Copy Center to have all jobs in an electronic queue so they can more efficiently schedule their time and the use of their equipment.
Things to Remember:
Please plan ahead.
This system requires a minimum of 24 hours advance notice so the Copy Center can give the proper attention to each printing job that comes in.
Use PDF format.
All documents sent through Digital Storefront must be in .pdf format. See the user instructions for information on how to convert your files.
You can also convert documents to .pdf format using Microsoft 2007.
Submitting Your Job
Make your Submission using Digital Storefront
Instructions for first-time Digital Storefront users.
Helpful Tips:
- If you have a single page be sure to select “Single Sided (Simplex)” option under the DUPLEX tab or because “Duplex” is defaulted, you will get charged for 2 copies.
- Make sure all jobs are in .pdf format
- Regular 20# White paper is defaulted so if you want a specific paper type or color you must specify it under the PAPER tab.
- Bulk paper is ordered in quantity of “Reams” not “cases” so please make sure you note that there are 10 reams per case of letter and legal sized paper and 5 per case of 11x17 paper. Also if you want colored paper, you need to specify it under the NOTES tab.
Tutorials and More Information
If you have questions or would like a personal tutorial on how to use the Digital Storefront, please call Lisa Rabideau at x3145 to set up an appointment.
Copy Services Staff
- Coordinator Comm. Svcs
- Copy Center Specialist
- Courier
I would like to see logins and resources for:
For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.