Ben Atwood

Students Today. Alumni Tomorrow. Ambassadors for Life.
Alumni Leaders Of Tomorrow prepares students to become leaders of the Utica University community. ALOT serves to educate active and engaged students in the life of the University and in alumni engagement, volunteerism, and philanthropy.
Alumni Leaders Of Tomorrow (ALOT) is a program administered by the Office of Advancement that gives students the opportunity to explore the many ways they can engage with Utica University now and stay connected as they become alumni. ALOT students are a highly selective group of student leaders from the senior class. Over the academic year, members of ALOT will participate in an opening retreat, monthly luncheons and additional networking programs. ALOT students will learn about the inner workings of the University by having exclusive access to members of the President's Cabinet, Board of Trustees, Alumni Council, prominent alumni and recent ALOT graduates.
During their time in the program, ALOT students act as ambassadors of the University by engaging with alumni, prospective students, and donors. Students learn about the very direct and transformative impact philanthropic donors have on their Utica University experience and help build awareness of these impacts among their peers. Students will also learn why staying connected to the University is so critically important, the myriad of ways one can volunteer on behalf of the institution, and how to stay connected with their classmates and the programs after graduation.
Members participate in Homecoming Weekend, Giving Day, Philanthropy Week and other Advancement-led campus events. Members will enjoy the following benefits for their service:
All students interested in ALOT should complete the program application. Qualified students will be asked to participate in a short interview with the Assistant Director of Annual Support Programs.
ALOT Members are expected to:
Omatola Balogun ’20
Taylor Burrows ’20
Brianna Cook ’20
David Cooney ’20
Michael Delia ’20
Stephen Dwyer ’20
Troy Edwards ’20
Sommer Edwards ’20
Emina Fetibegovic ’19
Abigail Fitzgerald ’20
Noelle Hamilton ’20
Casey Hourican ’20
Joel Kaigler ’20
Kassidy Krenzer ’20
Kristina Kuil ’20
Lucindia Lewis ’20
Isabella Mesturini ’20
David Mooney ’20
Rebecca Nda ’20
Anthony Scalise ’20
Kashawn Stroman ’20
Kaitlyn Tambasco ’20
Daniel Tette ’20
Allison Wagner ’20
Brandon Woods ’20
E.Cole Amissah ’19
Ella Andronovich ’19
Chantelle Boateng ’19
Justin Cortes ’19
Hamza Ditta ’19
Nguyen Hoai Linh Do ’19
Raeven Drayton ’19
Tyena Garcia ’19
Hermina Garic ’19
Anh Hoang ’19
Paige Mapley ’19
Joseph Mends ’19
Hong Nguyen ’19
Sania Safdar ’19
Hawa Sanogo ’19
Katlyn Scarpinella ’19
Victoria Singh ’19
Malcolm Stowe ’19
Luke Tantillo ’19
Tiffany Adasi ’18
Yayefatou Bah ’18
Anthony Bierria-Anderson ’18
Cassidy Brown ’18
Ann Ciancia ’18
MaKenna Cooley ’18
Taneill Davis ’18
Travis Flanagan ’18
Ivan Iton ’18
Jalaluddin Jamshidy ’18
Darrell Jones, II ’18
Jennifer Melvin ’18
Viktoria Yudchits ’18
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